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Event Calendar

Solid Waste Screening for Transfer Station and Landfill Operations Workshop-Hastings

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
8:30 am4:00 pm

Hastings Airport Terminal Building
3300 West 12th
Hastings, NE

Who Should Attend: Solid waste employees working at transfer stations, landfills, gate houses, recycling centers and all other related departments or facilities. The refresher on waste screening and hazardous materials identification meets Nebraska’s requirements for transfer station and landfill employees. We also would encourage attendance of all municipal officials who would like more information concerning the solid waste and recycling industry.

Registration and Fee
Participants are encouraged to register at least one week prior to the workshop date so a count for meals and handouts can be accommodated. Registration also will be available at the door on location of the workshop. Fee for the workshop is $50 per person, which includes lunch and learning materials. Fee may be prepaid or direct billed. To use the direct billing option, simply fill out a registration form and we will bill you or your municipality. We encourage this billing option because storms may increase the risk of cancellation.